About the Course

Positive Psychology 102 continues with providing an understanding of the science of well being and flourishing. The specific focus of this course is an in-depth examination of the “MA-V” portion of Dr. Martin Seligman’s PERMA-V model (which are explored within 3 modules). Specific topics covered are meaning, achievement and vitality. Participants can expect to utilize knowledge gained personally and professionally. ***Please note that the “PER” portion of Seligman’s model is covered in Positive Psychology 101.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and More

    2. Module 1: Meaning

    3. There is more to life than being happy Video

    4. 1.1 Meaning

    5. 1.2 Purpose

    6. What is your purpose Video

    7. 1.2 Purpose Cont.

    8. 1.3 Job Crafting

    9. Activity: Ikigai

    10. How to Ikigai Video

    11. Ikigai and Job Satisfaction Activity

    12. What Did You Learn?

    1. Module 2: Achievement

    2. Achievement and Hope Video

    3. 2.1 Achievement and Hope

    4. Hope Theory Video

    5. Hope Theory

    6. 2.2 Goals and Visualization

    7. 2.3 Motivation

    8. The Psychology of self-Motivation Video

    9. Self Determination Theory

    10. Activity Hope Theory

    11. What Did You Learn?

    1. Module 3 Vitality and Making the Connection

    2. It Starts by Understanding... Video

    3. 3.1 Physical Vitality Connection

    4. 3.2 Physical Activity and Physiology

    5. Inhale / Exhale Video

    6. Three Steps to Deep Breathing

    7. 3.3 Sleep and Nutrition

    8. Sleepless in America Video

    9. Sleep and Nutrition

    10. 3.4 Nature

    11. Frost Science Spotlight Video

    12. Nature

    13. Vitality in Action: Useful Strategies Activity

    14. What Did You Learn?

About this course

  • $170.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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