About the Course

Offered remotely as independent study which means that participants will complete course on their own within a 2-week time frame (from start to finish). Total time necessary to complete course is 16 hours. Participants will receive a certificate of completion. Positive Psychology 101 provides an understanding of the science of well being and flourishing. The specific focus of this course is an in-depth examination of the “PER” portion of Dr. Martin Seligman’s PERMA-V model (which are explored within 3 modules). Specific topics covered are positivity, engagement, and relationships. Participants can expect to utilize knowledge gained personally and professionally. ***Please note that the “MAV” portion of Seligman’s model is covered in Positive Psychology 102.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome, Contents, Course Description...

    2. Before We Begin...

    1. Module 1 Understanding Positivity

    2. Chris Peterson on Positivity Video

    3. 1.1 Understanding Positivity

    4. Set Point Theory Video

    5. Theory 2 and Dr. Barbara Frederickson

    6. Dr. Frederickson Video

    7. What Good are Positive Emotions?

    8. What is Positivity?

    9. More on Negative Thinking Video

    10. Negative Emotions Narrow

    11. Mod 1.2 Positive Neuroscience Video

    12. Positive Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity

    13. 1.3 Positive Interventions Video

    14. Positive Interventions

    15. Positivity Self-Test and Activity

    16. What Did You Learn?

    1. Module 2: Engagement and Flow

    2. The Science of Flow Video

    3. Module 2.1 Engagement, Flow, and Self-Regulation

    4. Dr. Stuart Shanker: What is Self Regulation Video

    5. Steps to Self Regulation

    6. Mindfulness and Meditation Video

    7. Module 2.2 Mindfulness and Meditation

    8. Short Calming Meditation Video

    9. Related Meditation Research

    10. Module 2.3 Character Strength Application

    11. Character Strengths Link

    12. Strengths in Balance

    13. Activity: Finding Flow

    14. What Did You Learn?

    1. 3.1 Relationship and Connections Video

    2. Module 3 Relationships and Connections2

    3. Relationships and Connections

    4. Connect With Anyone Video

    5. Module 3.2 Elements of Flourishing Relationships

    6. Sternberg's Triangle Theory of Love Video

    7. Module 3.3 Communication

    8. Drama Triangle Video

    9. Flipping the DDT Triangle

    10. Activity "I Statements"

    11. The Power of Union is Strength Video

    12. What did You Learn?

    1. Before you go...

About this course

  • $170.00
  • 45 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Dive into Positive Psychology 101, starting today

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